Our First Interview

An interview with Caroline Bourne, cofounder of SharedCity

SC:  What is your family history?

CB:  My family is Jewish and has strands that go back to Poland, Lithuania, Russia and Spain. Three quarters of my Great Grandparents came from small places off the map in Russia or Eastern Europe before the First World War. The other two were extremely anglicised Jews who could trace their history back to the eighteenth century in London, with origins way back ​in Spain. We count Daniel Mendoza, the British Boxing Champion of 1789 among our ancestors. Pictured below is my family lighting the candles at Chanukah last year. And at the bottom is a portrait of my Sefardi grandmother, who recently died aged 92.

SC:  Where is your favourite place in London?

CB:  I love the South Bank as it’s always a place of surprises. And in particular, I love the London Eye because firstly it is so iconic and secondly I was married at the top of it in 2005.

SC:  What is your ideal comfort food?

CB:  Most food is a comfort but forced to choose I would say ​a freshly baked bagel with hummus from Roni's in West Hampstead. Failing that, a big slab of chocolate.

SC:  Where would you love to visit and why?

CB:  I would love to go ​on a safari in Africa to see giraffes running wild. I've always loved giraffes.​

SC:  Why are you involved in SharedCity?

CB:  I have lived in other cities and always miss the diversity of London. I love hearing a billion different languages on the street and seeing different styles of dress on the street. I set up SharedCity to celebrate all the wonderful things about a city with so many different cultures. It is sad when I read negative stories about immigrants in London. Hopefully through SharedCIty others will see what riches different cultures can offer.

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