Four London Religions Celebrating The Full Moon

Everyone loves a full moon and in London we consider ourselves lucky if we see it on the rare occasions there is a cloudless unpolluted sky. The grey skies are probably the main deterrent in celebrating the moon but for many cultures settled in London it holds enormous spiritual significance.

Moon worship dates back to ancient Pagan, Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and Chinese cultures and today the major religions recognise the moon's powers. Christianity, Judaism and Islam don't celebrate the full moon outright but both Jewish and Muslim calendars are founded on lunar principles, meaning they follow the cycles of the moon instead of the sun.

Here are few links to the full moon celebrations in London's different communities:

Buddhists - Join in with Buddhist chanting and deep meditation at this Full Moon Puja to mark the significance of the full moon tonight at the London Buddhist Centre or if you are looking for something a little livelier (and definitely more decadent) way of recognising the powers of the moon try the London version of the kind of Full Moon Parties travellers flock to in Thailand.

Wiccans -Wiccan traditions have specific rituals and events around the full moon. There are many active Wiccans in London and the most active coven is run by the Order of the Horse and the Moon. You can find out more here.

Shamans - Have many rituals around the moon, some include drumming, music and prayer. Tonight's moon is a Taurus moon and represents the sowing of seeds, abundance and nourishment. Join a meditation to the moon here. To find out more about Shamans in London look at this website.

Chinese - The Chinese community celebrate the moon in the autumn where it is common to sacrifice moon cakes to the moon as part of the harvest festival. Moon cakes are round like the moon and represent the harmony of family. People send moon cakes to each other to wish them a long and happy life. Try the ones from this patisserie in Chinatown - and if they have run out, there are many other tasty cakes to try.